Bare Minimum Required for Submission
1. App Icon
2048x2048 pixels png
Upload under Manage Icon/Store Details > Icon/Images.
- PNG format (no transparency)
- Single color backgrounds look best
- Simple, large graphics work best
- Fewer than seven characters recommended for readable text
- Apple will round this image for your iOS icon
2. App Store Details
Add this info under Manage Icon/Store Details > Store Details.
Fill in all of these fields as they are required by Apple and Google.
- Apple iTunes Info
- Android Google Play Info
3. App Home Page Images
Upload under App Design. Please use .png or .jpg format.
The number of images you will need for the home page of the app depends on the layout you have chosen or created in the home page designer. Upload at least one image under each of the image panels in your layout and check that your home page looks correct in the preview.
4. Content for each button
Add content under Feature Name > + New.
Add at least one item under each of the buttons you’ve chosen for your app.
5. Ready to Submit!
You can continue to add content while your app is being processed for the App Store.
App Content Checklist
- Apple developer account
- Home page images
- App Store submission text and images
- Internal maps
- Buttons
- Optional features:
- Attendee to attendee messaging
- Attendee-editable profiles
- Share This with Twitter, Facebook and Email
- Create categories or groups for tagging, filtering and sorting
- for events (such as tracks)
- for attendees (such as specialty, program)
- for exhibitors (such as industry)
- Sponsor levels
For each button in the app, it is best to launch with some initial content, if available. You may always supplement later.
- Bulk upload spreadsheets sent to Touchpoint
- Event sessions, attendees, exhibitors and sponsors
- Twitter feeds
- Information in Links, News, Info, etc.
- Surveys, if you choose
- Go ahead for submission given to Touchpoint
- Agenda updated
- Attendee list updated
- App marketed to your attendees
- If you have a login (upfront, attendee messaging or attendee profiles), please remind attendees using the mobile web app that they must have cookies turned on in their mobile browsers. (This is not necessary for any native iOS or Android app.)
- First Tweet and welcome message sent
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