Feature Settings
App Design > Features & Menu
Allow User Comments:
Checking this setting allows speakers to comment and participate in the app using their speaker login.
Video Instructions
Adding Speakers - CMS
To add an individual to your Speakers list, select the + New button in the top right of the screen.
At a minimum, fill in the following fields to add a user to the Speakers list. Once done, select Save & View.
Note: the Hidden checkbox allows you to grant app access to a user, while keeping their name and details hidden (not displayed on the speaker list). That user would not be able to participate in certain capabilities that require identification, such as messaging and posting photos.
Note: Speakers are not displayed on the Speaker list in the app unless they are scheduled to speak at a session.
Email Address
First Name
Last Name
Speaker Profile as it appears in the app
Setting a Speaker's Password
To manually set or change a Speaker's password, select edit from the list of Speakers. On the Speaker edit page, select the Manage Password button beneath the login email field. Once the Speaker's password is set, select save at the bottom of the screen.
Designating Featured Speakers
Featured Speakers will be displayed at the top of the speakers list in the app. If you choose to use the Featured Speakers panel on the home screen of your event they will be displayed there as well.
To designate a speaker navigate to the speaker listing in the CMS and click edit. At the bottom of the form select the "Featured" button under the settings box.
VIP Speaker Portal
The VIP Speaker portal allows speakers to log in, edit their profile, upload attachments to a session, set up a live poll and view survey results.
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