Color Theming
Background Colors
Listed below are the themable background colors and their Hex defaults.
- Toolbar Background: #222222
- Button Background: #DDDDDD
- Main Background: #454548
- Selected List Item Background: #5E5E63
- Sliding Menu Background: #5E5E63
Text Colors
Listed below are the themable text colors and their Hex defaults.
- Tab and Button Text: #222222
- Primary Text: #FFFFFF
- Secondary Text: #E8AF00
- Tertiary Text: #AAAAAA
- Action Text: #00AEEF
- Body Text: #FFFFFF
- Menu Icon and Text: #FFFFFF
Using the Color Theme Tool
To change your theming colors select the item you'd like to change from the preview image. The corresponding field will become bold and the color picker tool will open. Choose a color using the tool or enter a Hexadecimal value if you already know it.
Theming Colors used in the HTML Editor
See the table below for a break down of how the colors set in your app design > color theming are applied to theme text you enter into the HTML editor.
Default Info Text | Body Text |
Bold Info Text | Secondary Text |
Link Text | Action Text |
Heading 1 | Primary Text |
Heading 2 | Secondary Text |
Heading 3 | Tertiary Text |
Heading 4 | Primary Text |
Heading 5 | Body Text |
Heading 6 | Body Text |
Non-Themable Items
The following items are not directly themable.
- Toolbar Text: Text and Icons in the Toolbar are always white
- List Indexes: Indexes divide lists by alphabetical order, groups, levels, ect. and are always an offset of the background color.
- Inset Boxes: Description Text, Attached PDF Links, iPad Homescreen Panels, ect. are an offset of the background color.
- Live Polls: Live Polls are not themable.
- Comments Widget: The comments widget is an offset of the background color.
1 comment
I was looking for a way to use my company's PMS colors so it's exact.
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